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decline of science in england-第38章

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     1     Sumner; George Holme。   1                 Thomas; Honoratus L。   2                 Thomson; Thomas。   1                 Tiarks; Dr。 John Lewis。   1                 Troughton; Edward。 (C)   2                 Ure; Andrew。               2     Warburton; Henry。   1                 Weaver; Thomas。   1                 Whewell; William。   3                 Whidbey; Joseph。   2           3     Wilkins; Charles。   3                 Williams; John Lloyd。   1           1     Wilson; Sir Giffin。               2     Wilson; Gloucester。               1     Yorke; Rt。 Hon。 Chas。

I had intended to have printed a list of those persons to whom the Royal Society had in past years awarded the Copley medals; and the reasons for which they were given; but having applied to the Council for permission to employ an amanuensis; to copy those awards; either from the minutes; or from the volumes of the Philosophical Transactions; I was surprised at receiving a refusal。  I confess it appeared to me; that as a whole; those adjudications did us credit; although I doubted the propriety of many individual cases。  As; however; the Council seem to have had a different opinion; and as I had made the application through courtesy; I shall decline printing a list; every individual portion of which has been already published in many ways; although the whole has never been printed in a collected form。

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