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decline of science in england-第32章

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hundred would be quite out of the question。

Let us suppose twenty copies of a description of some new chemical process to be placed at the disposal of the Royal Society by any public body; it will not surely be contended that they ought all to remain on the Society's shelves。 Yet; with our present rules; that would be the case。  If; however; the list of the Members of the Society were read over to the Council; and the names of those gentlemen known to be conversant with chemical science were written down; then; if nineteen copies of the work were given to those nineteen persons on this list; who had contributed most to the Transactions of the Society; they would in all probability be placed in the fittest hands。

Complete sets of the Philosophical Transactions have now become extremely bulky; it might be well worth our consideration; whether the knowledge of the many valuable papers they contain would not be much spread; by publishing the abstracts of them which have been read at the ordinary meetings of the Society。 Perhaps two or three volumes octavo; would contain all that has been done in this way during the last century。

Another circumstance; which would contribute much to the order of the proceedings of the Council; would be to have a distinct list made out of all the statutes and orders of the Council relating to each particular subject。

Thus the President; by having at one view before him all that had ever been decreed on the question under consideration; would be much better able to prevent inconsistent resolutions; and to save the time of the Council from being wasted by unnecessary discussions。



Amongst the various proposals for encouraging science; the institution of an order of merit has been suggested。  It is somewhat singular; that whilst in most of the other kingdoms of Europe; such orders exist for the purpose of rewarding; by honorary distinctions; the improvers of the arts of life; or successful discoverers in science; nothing of the kind has been established in England。  'At the great meeting of the philosophers at Berlin; in 1828; of which an account is given in the Appendix; the respect in which Berzelius; Oersted; Gauss; and Humboldt were held in their respective countries was apparent in the orders bestowed on them by the Sovereigns of Sweden; of Denmark; of Hanover; and of Prussia; and there were present many other philosophers; whose decorations sufficiently attested the respect in which science was held in the countries from which they came。'

Our orders of knighthood are favourable only to military distinction。  It has been urged; as an argument for such institutions; that they are a cheap mode of rewarding science; whilst; on the other hand; it has been objected; that they would diminish the value of such honorary distinctions by making them common。  The latter objection is of little weight; because the numbers who pursue science are few; and; probably; will long continue so。  It would also be easily avoided; by restricting the number of the order or of the class; if it were to form a peculiar class of another order。  Another objection; however; appears to me to possess far greater weight; and; however strong the disposition of the Government might be (if such an order existed) to fill it properly; I do not believe that; in the present state of public opinion respecting science; it could be done; and; in all probability; it would be filled up through the channels of patronage; and by mere jobbers in science。

Another proposal; of a similar kind; has also been talked of; one which it may appear almost ridiculous to suggest in England; but which would be considered so in no other country。 It is; to ennoble some of the greatest scientific benefactors of their country。  Not to mention political causes; the ranks of the nobility are constantly recruited from the army; the navy; and the bar; why should not the family of that man; whose name is imperishably connected with the steam…engine; be enrolled amongst the nobility of his country?  In utility and profit; not merely to that country; but to the human race; his deeds may proudly claim comparison even with the most splendid of those achieved by classes so rich in glorious recollections。  An objection; in most cases fatal to such a course; arises from the impolicy of conferring a title; unless a considerable fortune exists to support it; a circumstance very rarely occurring to the philosopher。  It might in some measure be removed; by creating such titles only for life。 But here; again; until there existed some knowledge of science amongst the higher classes; and a sound state of public opinion relative to science; the execution of the plan could only be injurious。



This idea has occurred to several persons; as likely to lead to considerable advantages to science。  If the various scientific societies could unite in the occupation of one large building; considerable economy would result from the union。  By properly arranging their evenings of meeting; one meeting…room only need be required。  The libraries might either be united; or arranged in adjoining rooms; and such a system would greatly facilitate the inquiries of scientific persons。

Whether it would be possible to reunite in any way the different societies to the Royal Society; might be a delicate question; but although; on some accounts; desirable; that event is not necessary for the purpose of their having a common residence。

The Medico…Botanical Society might; perhaps; from sympathy; be the first to which the Royal Society would apply; and by a proper interchange of diplomas;  'A thing well understood by the INITIATED; both at HOME and ABROAD。'  the two societies might be inoculated with each other。  But even here some tact would be required; the Medico…Botanical is a little particular about the purity of its written documents; and lately attributed blame to one of its officers for some slight tampering with them; a degree of illiberality which the Council of the Royal Society are far from imitating。

The Geological and the Astronomical Societies nourish no feelings of resentment to the parent institution for their early persecution; and though they have no inducement to seek; would scarcely refuse any union which might be generally advantageous to science。


In a work on the Decline of Science; at a period when England has so recently lost two of its brightest ornaments; I should hardly be excused if I omitted to devote a few words to the names of Wollaston and of Davy。  Until the warm feelings of surviving kindred and admiring friends shall be cold as the grave from which remembrance vainly recalls their cherished forms; invested with all the life and energy of recent existence; the volumes of their biography must be sealed。  Their contemporaries can expect only to read their eloge。

In habits of intercourse with both those distinguished individuals; sufficiently frequent to mark the curiously different structure of their minds; I was yet not on such terms even with him I most esteemed; as to view his great qualities through that medium which is rarely penetrated by the eyes of long and very intimate friendship。

Caution and precision were the predominant features of the character of Wollaston; and those who are disposed to reduce the number of principles; would perhaps justly trace the precision which adorned his philosophical; to the extreme caution which pervaded his moral character。  It may indeed be questioned whether the latter quality will not in all persons of great abilities produce the former。

Ambition constituted a far larger ingredient in the character of Davy; and with the daring hand of genius he grasped even the remotest conclusions to which a theory led him。  He seemed to think invention a more common attribute than it really is; and hastened; as soon as he was in possession of a new fact or a new principle; to communicate it to the world; doubtful perhaps lest he might not be anticipated; but; confident in his own powers; he was content to give to others a chance of reaping some part of that harvest; the largest portion of which he knew must 
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