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decline of science in england-第30章

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ed; and a few examples may not be without their use。  The thermometers employed by the philosophers who composed the Academia Del Cimento; have been lost; and as they did not use the two fixed points of freezing and boiling water; the results of a great mass of observations have remained useless from our ignorance of the value of a degree on their instrument。  M。 Libri; of Florence; proposed to regain this knowledge by comparing their registers of the temperature of the human body and of that of some warm springs in Tuscany; which have preserved their heat uniform during a century; as well as of other things similarly circumstanced。

Another illustration was pointed out to me by M。 Gazzeri; the Professor of Chemistry at Florence。  A few years ago an important suit in one of the legal courts of Tuscany depended on ascertaining whether a certain word had been erased by some chemical process from a deed then before the court。  The party who insisted that an erasure had been made; availed themselves of the knowledge of M。 Gazzeri; who; concluding that those who committed the fraud would be satisfied by the disappearance of the colouring matter of the ink; suspected (either from some colourless matter remaining in the letters; or perhaps from the agency of the solvent having weakened the fabric of the paper itself beneath the supposed letters) that the effect of the slow application of heat would be to render some difference of texture or of applied substance evident; by some variety in the shade of colour which heat in such circumstances might be expected to produce。  Permission having been given to try the experiment; on the application of heat the important word reappeared; to the great satisfaction of the court。





One of the causes which has contributed to the success of the PARTY; is to be found in the great reluctance with which many of those whose names added lustre to the Society expressed their opinions; and the little firmness with which they maintained their objections。  How many times have those whose activity was additionally stimulated by their interest; proposed measures which a few words might have checked; whilst the names of those whose culpable silence thus permitted the project to be matured; were immediately afterwards cited by their grateful coadjutors; as having sanctioned that which in their hearts they knew to be a job。

Even in the few cases which have passed the limits of such forbearance; when the subject has been debated in the Council; more than one; more than two instances are known; where subsequent circumstances have occurred; which proved; with the most irresistible moral evidence; that members have spoken on one side of the question; and have voted on the contrary。

This reluctance to oppose that which is disapproved; has been too extensively and too fatally prevalent for the interests of the Royal Society。  It may partly be attributed to that reserved and retiring disposition; which frequently marks the man of real knowledge; as strongly as an officious interference and flippant manner do the charlatan; or the trader in science。 Some portion of it is due to that improper deference which was long paid to every dictum of the President; and much of it to that natural indisposition to take trouble on any point in which a man's own interest is not immediately concerned。  It is to be hoped; for the credit of that learned body; that no anticipation of the next feast of St。 Andrew ever influenced the taciturnity of their disposition。  'It may be necessary to inform those who are not members of the Royal Society; that this is the day on which those Fellows who choose; meet at Somerset House; to register the names of the Council and Officers the President has been pleased to appoint for the ensuing year; and who afterwards dine together; for the purpose of praising each other over wine; which; until within these few years; was PAID for out of the FUNDS of the Society。  This abuse was attacked by an enterprising reformer; and of course defended by the coterie。  It was; however; given up as too bad。  The public may form some idea of the feeling which prevails in the Council; when they are informed that this practice was defended by one of the officers of the Society; on the ground that; if abolished; THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY WOULD LOSE HIS PERCENTAGE ON THE TAVERN BILLS。'



The days in which the Royal Society can have much influence in science seem long past; nor does it appear a matter of great importance who conduct its mismanaged affairs。  Perpetual Presidents have been tried until the Society has become disgusted with dictators。  If any reform should be attempted; it might perhaps be deserving consideration whether the practice of several of the younger institutions might not be worthy imitation; and the office of President be continued only during two sessions。  There may be some inconveniences attending this arrangement; but the advantages are conspicuous; both in the Astronomical and Geological Societies。 Each President is ambitious of rendering the period of his reign remarkable for some improvement in the Society over which he presides; and the sacrifice of time which is made by the officers of those Societies; would become impossible if it were required to be continued for a much longer period。  Another circumstance of considerable importance is; that the personal character of the President is less impressed on the Society; and; supposing any injudicious alterations to be made; it is much less difficult to correct them。



The honour of belonging to the Royal Society is much sought after by medical men; as contributing to the success of their professional efforts; and two consequences result from it。  In the first place; the pages of the Transactions of the Royal Society occasionally contain medical papers of very moderate merit; and; in the second; the preponderance of the medical interest introduces into the Society some of the jealousies of that profession。  On the other hand; medicine is intimately connected with many sciences; and its professors are usually too much occupied in their practice to exert themselves; except upon great occasions。



The Royal Institution was founded for the cultivation of the more popular and elementary branches of scientific knowledge; and has risen; partly from the splendid discoveries of Davy; and partly from the decline of the Royal Society; to a more prominent station than it would otherwise have occupied in the science of England。  Its general effects in diffusing knowledge among the more educated classes of the metropolis; have been; and continue to be; valuable。  Its influence; however; in the government of the Royal Society; is by no means attended with similar advantages; and has justly been viewed with considerable jealousy by many of the Fellows of that body。 It may be stated; without disparagement to the Royal Institution; that the scientific qualifications necessary for its officers; however respectable; are not quite of that high order which ought to be required for those of the Royal Society; if the latter body were in a state of vigour。

The Royal Institution interest has always been sufficient to appoint one of the Secretaries of the Royal Society; and at the present moment they have appointed two。  In a short time; unless some effectual check is put to this; we shall find them nominating the President and the rest of the officers。  It is certainly not consistent with the dignity of the Royal Society thus to allow its offices to be given away as the rewards of services rendered to other institutions。  The only effectual way to put a stop to this increasing interest would be; to declare that no manager or officer of the Royal Institution should ever; at the same time; hold office in the Royal Society。

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