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    10。A) A secretary B) A boss    
    C) A teacher D) A student    
    1。 【选A】原文重现    
    M: I thought Tim majored in mathematics in college。 Now he’s just found a new job as a journalist in a news agency?    
    W: That’s true。 After working as an engineer for three years; he changed his major。    
    Q: What is Tim’s job now?    
    2。 【选C】原文重现    
    M: Excuse me; Do you have a single room with a bath for tonight?    
    W: Just a second; sir。 Sorry; I’m afraid that we haven’t any singles left; but we could let you have a twin…bed room for the same price。    
    Q: What is the woman’s job?    
    3。 【选B】原文重现    
    M: Hello; this is John。 Smith。 May I speak to my sister Joy; please?    
    W: I’m sorry; she has just gone out with one of her customers to show her a new car。    
    Q: What kind of work does Joy do?    
    go out  出去 go over  过一遍,复习    
    go against  违反;反对;不利于 go down  下去;(船等)下沉    
    4。 【选D】原文重现    
    W: I need two IDs and your acomount number before I can cash your check; sir。    
    M: Sure; here’s my passport and driver’s license。 And my acomount number is on this card。    
    Q: What does the woman probably do?    
    5。 【选C】原文重现    
    M: Can you speed up a little? I’ll be late for my flight。    
    W: Take it easy; sir。 Everything will be fine; we’ll make it on time。    
    Q: What is the woman?    
    speed up  使加速,增加速度    
    6。 【选B】原文重现    
    M: Are there any more questions on this lesson? Yes; Catherine?    
    W: Dr。 Smith; who do you think will win the battle?    
    Q: Who most probably is Catherine?    
    7。 【选A】原文重现    
    W: That’s 8。50; and 7% sales tax。 Total; 9。09; sir。    
    M: Here’s a 10 bill。    
    Q: Whom is the man talking to?    
    8。 【选C】原文重现    
    W: Can you come to my birthday party tonight; Uncle Brown?    
    M: I’d love to; but I can’t。 I’ll be operating on a patient at 6 o’ clock。    
    Q: What is the profession of the man?    
    operate on  给……动手术 dentist  牙医    
    surgeon  外科医生 physician  内科医生    
    9。 【选D】原文重现    
    M: May I take your dinner order now; Mrs。 Bower?    
    W: Thank you; Frank; but I’m waiting for my husband to join me。    
    Q: Who is Frank?    
    join in  参加(活动) join up  连接起来    
    join hands with  互相合作,携起手来    
    10。 【选B】原文重现    
    M: When do you want this material finished? Mrs。 Smith?    
    W: Tomorrow morning will be fine。 Make five copies ; do remember。    
    Q: What is the woman?    

unit 1 收得领地Day 8 人物关系题  

      ① 夫妻、恋人常用亲昵温柔的语气:    
      dear darling    
      ② 店员与顾客常用的客气的语气:    
      sir madam    
      Can I…? What would you like to have?    
      ③ 下属对老板常用恭敬伏贴的语气:    
      Mr。 Mrs。    
      Ok Could you please…?    
      ④ 亲朋好友常用简洁随便的语气:    
      Hi! What’s up?    
      Some water?    
      ⑤ 父母、老师教训子女、学生常用严厉的语气:    
      Don’t you remember…? What are you doing?    
      ⑥ 医生询问病人的语气:    
      You need take… What’s the trouble with you?    
      【例1】 2003。1    
      W: John。 What are you doing on your computer? Don’t you remember your promise?    
      M: This is not a game。 It’s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary。    
      Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?    
      A) Colleagues B) Husband and wife    
      C) Employer and employee D) Mother and son    
      【解析】 播音之前考生需对选项(colleagues、husband and wife、employer and employee、mother and son)提前作好预测原文内容的信息词汇准备。这题需掌握对话双方的特殊身份语言及口气:原文中“扩大我的词汇量”明显提示说话者是学生,根据女士的话及含有教训的口气“不记得你作的保证?”可推知其身份为家长,所以两者的关系应为母子。选择D。    
      【例2】 2001。6    
      W: I heard you got full marks in the maths exam。 Congratulations!    
      M: Thanks! I’m sure you also did a good job。    
      Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?    
      A) A math teacher and his colleague B) A teacher and his student    
      C) A student and his classmate D) A librarian and a student    
      【解析】 通过选项可以断定原文内容是发生在学校里,留意对话双方的口气线索尤为重要。女士说她听说男士在数学考试中得了满分,男士说“you also did a good job。”指的是女士考得也不错,抓住关键提示词“also”,便可判断其关系是同学。答案为C。    
      1。 A) Shop assistant and customer B) Waitress and customer    
      C) Employee and manager D) Boss and employee    
      2。 A) Lawyer and client B) Boss and secretary    
      C) Teacher and student D) Customer and waitress    
      3。 A) Teacher and student B) Policewoman and thief    
      C) Policewoman and driver D) Mother and son    
      4。 A) Relatives B) Roommates    
      C) Colleagues D) Neighbours    
      5。 A) Dentist and patient B) Patient and doctor    
      C) Lawyer and client D) Teacher and student    
      6。 A) Wife and husband B) Waitress and customer    
      C) Mother and son D) Student and classmate    
      7。 A) Husband and wife B) Friends    
      C) Boss and secretary D) Employee and manager    
      8。 A) Salesman and customer B) Boss and secretary    
      C) Mother and son D) Waiter and customer    
      9。 A) Waitress and customer B) Doctor and patient    
      C) Customer and repairman D) Boss and secretary    
      10。A) Customer and airline clerk B) Saleswoman and customer    
      C) Daughter and father D) Wife and husband    
      1。 【选A】原文重现    
      W: Can I help you ; sir?    
      M: Well; I’d like to buy a pair of shoes。 How much are they?    
      Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?    
      2。 【选B】原文重现    
      M: Make ten copies for me and five copies for Mr。 Bruce。    
      W: Certainly; sir。 As soon as I make the final corrections on the original。    
      Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?    
      3。 【选C】原文重现    
      W: Sir; you should have stopped when I first signaled。    
      M: I am sorry I didn’t notice that。 Must I get a ticket?    
      Q: What’s the probable relationship between the man and woman?    
      4。 【选D】原文重现    
      W: I’ve just brought your ladder back。 Thanks for lending it to me。 Where shall I leave it?    
      M: Just lean it against the wall there。 Use the ladder again any time。    
      Q: What’s the probable relationship between these two speakers?    
      5。 【选B】原文重现    
      M: I think I’m running a temperature。 I feel terrible。    
      W: Well; you’d better take an examination right now。 Would you take off your overcoat; please?    
      Q: What’s the probable relationship between the man and woman?    
      6。 【选C】原文重现    
      W: Go to bed early and get some rest; Tom。    
      M: But I have to do more exercises; we’re going to have a test tomorrow morning。 I must pass it。    
      Q: What is the most likely relationship between the two speakers?    
      7。 【选A】原文重现    
      M: Honey! we must hurry or we will be late for the party。    
      W: My dear; I don’t know where my ring is; I should wear it at the party。    
      Q: What’s the probable relationship between the man and woman?    
      8。 【选D】原文重现    
      W: Have you got a table for two?    
      M: Yes; madam。 This way; please。    
      Q: What is the most likely relationship between the two spe
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