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      score 二十 monthly 一月一次    
      daily 一日一次 weekly 每周一次    
      fortnight 两星期 decade 十年    
      century 世纪、百年 millennium 千年    
      ② 倍数、货币的代用词    
      double、twice 两倍 fivefold 五倍    
      half 一半 a quarter 25美分    
      a dime 10美分 a nickel 5美分    
      W: We have worked for a fortnight。 And really need a break。    
      M: How about seeing a play? I hear “Spiderman” is on at the National Theatre。    
      Q: How long have they been working?    
      A) Four nights B) Forty nights    
      C) Fourteen days D) Four days    
      【解析】 这题当中应区分fortnight和four nights之间的发音。fortnight代表两个星期,也就是十四天,所以C为正确答案。    
      M: Lisa; you know that Tom was late twice this week。    
      W: It’s ok; the class is so boring; I was late three times that often and Mark was late six times。    
      Q: How many times was Tom late?    
      A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 6    
      【解析】 Twice 是英语数字2的代用词,分清问的是Tom,答案为B。    
      1。 A) Ten years B) Twenty years    
      C) Forty years D) A hundred years    
      2。 A) 10 years B) 15 years C) 20 years D) 40 years    
      3。 A) 4 B) 8 C) 1 D) 2    
      4。 A) 5 cents B) 10 cents C) 15 cents D) 20 cents    
      5。 A) 25 months B) 5 months    
      C) 12 months D) 6 months    
      6。 A) 4 B) 25 C) 5 D) 29    
      7。 A) 5 cents B) 15 cents C) 20 cents D) 25 cents    
      8。 A) 0。5 B) 2。50 C) 3 D) 1    
      9。 A) 5:25 B) 5:55 C) 5:40 D) 5:30    
      10。A) 10 B) 40 C) 30 D) 25    
      1。 【选A】原文重现    
      M: Our university will be celebrating its hundredth anniversary next Monday。 Shall we go back for a visit?    
      W: I’d love to。 It’s been a decade since we left。    
      Q: How long ago did they graduate from school?    
      go back 回去 go about 从事,着手做;闲逛    
      go over 过一遍,复习 go into 进入;投入;调查    
      2。 【选C】原文重现    
      M: I have been working in this school for a score of years。    
      W: Well; my mum has been working here twice as long as you。    
      Q: How long has the man been working in that school?    
      3。 【选D】原文重现    
      W: What do you think are the chances I’ll get the job?    
      M: Well; I’m talking to four today。 We’ll be hiring half。    
      Q: How many people will be employed?    
      apply for 提出申请 apply to 向……申请或要求    
      4。 【选B】原文重现    
      M: I want to send a telegram to San Francisco。 How much does it cost?    
      W: Five dollars for the first 15 words and a dime for each additional word。    
      Q: How much will each additional word cost?    
      5。 【选D】原文重现    
      W: You’re thinner than you used to be; aren’t you?    
      M: You bet I am! I’ve been dieting for half a year。 I’ve lost 25 pounds and I feel great。    
      Q: How long has the man been dieting ?    
      6。 【选C】原文重现    
      W: I thought this kind of film cost four dollars each roll。    
      M: It used to; but the price has gone up 25%。    
      Q: How much does one roll of the film cost now?    
      go up 上升;(物价等)上涨 go down 下去;(船等)下沉    
      7。 【选A】原文重现    
      M: Do I have enough postage on this package ?    
      W: Let’s see。 You already have three…fifteen cent stamps and two twenty…five cent stamps on it 。You only need another nickel。    
      Q: How much else will the man pay for the postage ?    
      pay for 付款 pay back 偿还(借款等);回报    
      pay off 还清 pay out 付出(款项等)    
      8。 【选B】原文重现    
      M: How much are the tickets?    
      W: They’re one dollar each for the general public; but student tickets are only a quarter。    
      Q: How much will the man pay for two students ticket and two general public?    
      9。 【选A】原文重现    
      W: Please hurry up; my train is leaving at a quarter to six。    
      M: No problem; Madam。 I’ll get you there in five minutes。 And fifteen minutes is enough for you to board the station。    
      Q: What time is it now?    
      10。 【选B】原文重现    
      W: Jake; what a nice shirt; where did you get it?    
      M: I bought it from Carrefour Supermarket。 All the man’s clothes are on sale for the National Day。 It costs only 20 dollars。 I saved a half compared with Wal…mart。    
      Q: How much is the shirt in Wal…mart?    

unit 1 收得领地Day 5 发音训练……元音

    元      音    
     音  标 例  词    
    单元音 前元音 /A/ cat    
     /e/ bed    
     /i/ sit    
     /i:/ seat    
     中元音 /E/ about    
     /E:/ bird    
     后元音 /B:/ car    
     /Q/ but    
     /C/ hot    
     /C:/ born    
     /u/ put    
     /u:/ moon    
    双元音 /ai/ why    
     /ei/ say    
     /au/ cow    
     /Eu/ go    
     /iE/ real    
     /ZE/ pair    
     /uE/ sure    
     /Ci/ boy    
    1。 My sister works in the ticket office。    
    2。 These have been his sweet dreams all these years。    
    3。 Let’s get ready for the lecture。    
    4。 Who is that fat man standing at the back?    
    5。 The farm is far from the park。    
    6。 He loves nothing but money。    
    7。 The manager’s daughter will go to Canada next Saturday。    
    8。 The early bird catches the worm。    
    9。 Tom is eating a hot dog in the doorway。    
    10。 She is working like a horse for the boss。    
    11。 The cook took some sugar and put it in the soup。    
    12。 This is a chance once in a blue moon。    
    13。 She is light…hearted but short…sighted。    
    14。 He became famous in the late 1980s。    
    15。 How about going to the south for the holiday?    
    16。 It’s so cold at home。    
    17。 She is all ears and hearing you clearly。    
    18。 What did you do to get in the boss’s hair?    
    19。 I am quite sure that the watch is made of pure gold。    
    20。 Unemployment has become one of the serious problems。    
    A) having an interview。     
    B) Filling out a form。    
    C) Talking with his friend。     
    D) Asking for information。    
    A) Skating。    
    B) Swimming。    
    C) Boating and Swimming。    
    D) Boating and Skating。    
    1。 【选B】原文重现  1996。1    
    M: Let me see。 I’ve printed my family name; first name; date of birth and address。 Anything else?    
    W: No。 That’s all right。 We’ll fill in the rest of it if you just sign your name on the bottom。    
    Q: What has the man been doing?    
    2。 【选B】原文重现  1997。6    
    M: Boating and skating are my favourite sports。    
    W: I like swimming but not boating or skating。    
    Q: Which sport does the woman like?    

unit 1 收得领地Day 6 牛刀小试——关键词类概述

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