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They mourn for the passing of lions; 
For the ending of Al…Rassan the Beloved; 
Which is gone。
  The measured; beautiful voice fell silent。 Alvar looked up at the sky。 The first stars were out。 The white moon would be rising soon above Sorenica。 Would it shine on that peninsula west of them?
  Time lay upon him like a weight。 Rodrigo's two sons were grown men。 They were constable and chancellor of Esperana。 Serving King Ramiro the Great。 And Rodrigo lay in Esteren; under a statue; under stone。
  Alvar filled his glass again; and set it down untouched; a libation; on the bench beside him。 He stood up; extending a hand to Ammar; whose leg had never been the same since that other twilight by Silvenes。
  〃e;〃 he said。 〃It is dark and cold。 I think we all need light; and the children。〃
  He saw Jehane set her own glass down; as he had done; on the table near her。 Marisa led them in。 She spoke a quiet word with the servants。 They dined that evening; together; in a bright room with two fires amid the laughter of their sons and daughters。 It was very late when Ammar and Jehane and their children took their leave and walked the short distance to their own home。
  Alvar listened to Marisa and the nurse settling two overly stimulated young women。 He went up to say good night to his daughters and then he and his wife went along the corridor to their own room and closed the door and drew the curtains against the night。 Outside; white moonlight shone down upon the courtyard where the day's celebration had taken place。 It fell upon the water and the small; quick fish in the water。 It silvered the olive and fig trees; the tall cypress by the ivy…covered wall and the late…season shrubs。 And it cast its pale light upon the three glasses of wine that had each been left deliberately behind; brim…full; on a stone table; a stone bench; on the rim of the fountain there。
About the Author
  GUY GAVRIEL KAY'S distinguished literary career began when he helped pile Tolkien's posthumous masterpiece; The Silmarillion。 Kay's own epic trilogy; THE FIONVAR TAPESTRY; appears on the 〃The Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List。〃 Subsequently the author of Tigana; A Song for Arbonne; and; most recently; Sailing to Sarantium; he has been both a winner of the Prix Aurora Award and a World Fantasy Award nominee。 His works have been translated into fourteen languages。 He lives in Toronto。
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