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 〃Yes; it is;〃 Jude said。
 〃Do you want something to read on your travels?〃 Lotti asked them; proffering a fistful of petitions。 〃It's amazing; what people write。〃
 〃All those should go to the island;〃 Jude said。 〃Take them with you。 Leave them at the temple door。〃
 〃But the Goddesses can't answer every prayer;〃 Lotti said。 〃Lost lovers; crippled children…〃
 〃Don't be so sure;〃 Jude told her。 〃It's going to be a new day。〃
 Then; with Hoi…Polloi at her side; she made the hour's second round of farewells and headed away in the general direction of the gate。
 〃Do you really believe what you said to Lotti?〃 Hoi…Polloi asked her when they'd left the staircase far behind 〃Is tomorrow going to be so different from today?〃
 〃One way or another;〃 Jude said。
 The reply was more ambiguous than she'd intended; but then perhaps her tongue was wiser than it knew。 Though she was going from this holy place with the word of powers far more discerning than she; their reassurance could not quite erase the memory of the bowl in Oscar's treasure room and the prophecy of dust it had shown her。
 She silently admonished herself for her lack of faith。 Where did this seam of arrogance e from; that she could doubt the wisdom of Uma Umagammagi Herself? From now on; she would put such ambivalence away。 Maybe tomorrow; or some blissful day after; she'd meet the Goddesses on the streets of the Fifth and tell Them that even after Their forts she'd still nursed some ridiculous nub of doubt。 But for today she'd bow to Their wisdoms and return to the Reconciler as a bearer of good news。
 Gentle wasn't the only occupant of the house in Gamut Street who'd smelled the In Ovo on the late…afternoon breeze; so had one who'd once been a prisoner in that Hell between Dominions: Little Ease。 When Gentle returned to the Meditation Room; having set Monday the task of bringing the stones up the stairs and sent Clem around the house securing it; he found his sometime tormentor up at the window。 There were tears on its cheeks; and its teeth were chattering uncontrollably。
 〃He's ing; isn't he?〃 it said。 〃Did you see him; Liberatore?〃
 〃Yes; he is; and no; I didn't;〃 Gentle said。 〃Don't look so terrified; Easy。 I'm not going to let him lay a finger on you。〃
 The creature put on its wretched grin; but with its teeth in such motion the effect was grotesque。
 〃You sound like my mother;〃 it said。 〃Every night she used to tell me: nothing's going to hurt you; nothing's going to hurt you。〃
 〃I remind you of your mother?〃
 〃Give or take a tit;〃 Little Ease replied。 〃She was no beauty; it has to be said。 But all my fathers loved her。〃
 There was a din from downstairs; and the creature jumped。
 〃It's all right;〃 Gentle said。 〃It's just Clem closing the shutters。〃
 〃I want to be of some use。 What can I do?〃
 〃You can do what you're doing。 Watch the street。 If you see anything out there…〃
 〃I know。 Scream blue murder。〃
 With the windows shuttered below; the house was thrown into a sudden dusk; in which Clem; Monday; and Gentle labored without word or pause。 By the time all the stones had been fetched upstairs the day outside had also dwindled into twilight; and Gentle found Little Ease leaning out of the window; stripping fistfuls of leaves from the tree outside and flinging them back into the room。 When he asked it what it was up to it explained that; with evening fallen; the street was invisible through the foliage; so it was clearing it away。
 〃When T begin the Reconciliation maybe you should keep watch from the floor above;〃 Gentle suggested。
 〃Whatever you suggest; Liberatore;〃 Little Ease said。 It slid down from the sill and stared up at him。 〃But before I go; if you don't mind; I have a little request;〃 it said。
 〃It's delicate。〃
 〃Don't be afraid。 Ask it。〃
 〃I know you're about to start the working; and I think this may be the last time I have the honor of your pany。 When the Reconciliation's achieved you'll be a great man。 I don't mean to say you're not one already;〃 it added hurriedly。 〃You are; of course。 But after tonight everyone will know you're the Reconciler; and you did what Christos Himself couldn't do。 You'll be made Pope; and you'll write your memoirs〃…Gentle laughed…〃and I'll never see you again。 And that's as it should be。 That's right and proper。 But before you bee hopelessly famous and feted; I wondered: would you 。。; bless me?〃
 〃Bless you?〃
 Little Ease raised its long…fingered hands to ward off the rejection it thought was ing。 〃I understand! I understand!〃 it said。 〃You've already been kind to me beyond measure…〃
 〃It's not that;〃 said Gentle; going down on his haunches in front of the creature the way he had when its head had been beneath Jude's heel。 〃I'd do it if I could。 But Ease; I don't know how。 I'm not a Messiah。 I've never had a ministry。 I've never preached a gospel or raised the dead。〃
 〃You've got your disciples;〃 Little Ease said。
 〃No。 I've had some friends who've endured me; and some mistresses who've humored me。 But I've never had the power to inspire。 I frittered it away on seductions。 I don't have the right to bless anybody。 … 〃
 〃I'm sorry;〃 the creature said。 〃I won't mention it again。〃
 Then it did again what it had done when Gentle had set it free: took his hand and laid its brow upon his palm。
 〃I'm ready to die for you; Liberatore。〃
 〃I'm hoping that won't be necessary。〃
 Little Ease looked up。 〃Between us?〃 it said。 〃So am I。〃
 Its oath made; it returned to gathering up the leaves it had deposited on the floor; putting plugs of them up its nose to stop the stench。 But Gentle told it to let the rest lie。 The scent of the sap was sweeter than the smell that would permeate the house if; or rather when; Sartori arrived。 At the mention of the enemy; Little Ease hoisted itself back up onto the sill。
 〃Any sign?〃 Gentle asked it。
 〃Not that I see。〃
 〃But what do you feel?〃
 〃Ah;〃 it said; looking up through the canopy of leaves。 〃It's such a beautiful night; Liberatore。 But he's going to try and spoil it。〃
 〃I think you're right。 Stay here a while longer; will you? I want to go around the house with Clem。 If you see anything…〃
 〃They'll hear me in L'Himby;〃 Ease promised。
 The beast was as good as its word。 Gentle hadn't reached the bottom of the stairs when it set up a din so loud it brought dust from the rafters。 Yelling for Monday and Clem to make sure all the doors were bolted; Gentle started up the stairs again; reaching the summit in time to see the door of the Meditation Room flung open and Little Ease backing through it at speed; shrieking。 Whatever warning the creature was trying to offer; it was inprehensible。
 Gentle didn't try and interpret it; but raced towards the room; drawing his breath in readiness to drive Sartori's invaders out。 The window was empty when he entered; but the circle was not。 Within the ring of stones two forms were unknotting themselves。 He'd never seen the phenomenon of passage from this perspective before; and he stood as much aghast as awed。 There were too many raw surfaces in this process for fortable viewing。 But he studied the forms with mounting excitement; certain long before they were reconstituted that one of the travelers was Jude。 The other; when she appeared; was a cross…eyed girl of seventeen or so; who fell to her knees sobbing with terror and relief the moment her muscles were her own again。 Even Jude; who'd made this journey four times now; was shaking violently and would have fallen when she stepped from the circle had Gentle not caught her up。
 〃The In Ovo。。。〃 she gasped; 〃almost had us。。。。〃
 Her leg had been gouged from knee to ankle。
 〃。。。 felt teeth in me。。。。〃
 〃You're all right;〃 Gentle said。 〃You've still got two legs。 Clem! Clem!〃
 He was already at the door; with Monday in pursuit。
 〃Have we got something to bind this up?〃
 〃Of course! I'll go…〃
 〃No;〃 said Jude。 〃Take me down。 This is no floor to bleed on。〃
 Monday was left to fort Hoi…Polloi; while Clem and Gentle carried Jude to the door。
 〃I've never seen the In Ovo like that before;〃 she said。 〃Crazy。。。。〃
 〃Sartori's been in;〃 Gentle said; 〃finding himself an army。〃
 〃He certainly stirred 
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