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as almost a second voice; speaking in tandem with the first。
 〃I didn't know; I swear;〃 Dowd said。 He craned his heavy head to appeal to Jude。 〃Tell her;〃 he said。
 Celestine's oscillating gaze rose to Jude。 〃You?〃 she said。 〃Did you conspire against me?〃
 〃No;〃 Jude said。 〃I'm the one who freed you。〃
 〃I freed myself。〃
 〃But I began it;〃 Jude said。
 〃e closer。 Let me see you better。〃
 Jude hesitated to approach; with Dowd's face still a nest of mites。 But Celestine made her demand again; and Jude obeyed。 The woman raised her head as she approached; turning it this way and that; perhaps to coax her torpid muscles back into life。
 〃Are you Roxborough's woman?〃 she said。
 〃That's close enough;〃 she told Jude。 〃Who's then? Which one of them do you belong to?〃
 〃I don't belong to any of them;〃 Jude said。 〃They're all dead。〃
 〃Even Roxborough?〃
 〃He's been gone two hundred years。〃
 At last the eyes stopped flickering; and their stillness; now it came; was more distressing than their motion。 She had a gaze that could slice steel。
 〃Two hundred years;〃 she said。 It wasn't a question; it was an accusation。 And it wasn't Jude she was accusing; it was Dowd。 〃Why didn't you e for me?〃
 〃I thought you were dead and gone;〃 he told her。
 〃Dead? No。 That would have been a kindness。 I bore His child。 I raised it for a time。 You knew this。〃
 〃How could I? It was none of my business。〃
 〃You made me your business;〃 she said。 〃The day you took me from my life and gave me to God。 I didn't ask for that; and I didn't want it…〃
 〃I was just a servant。〃
 〃Dog; more like。 Who's got your leash now? This woman?〃
 〃I serve nobody。〃
 〃Good。 Then you can serve me。〃
 〃Don't trust him;〃 Jude said。
 〃Who; would you prefer I trust?〃 Celestine replied; not deigning to look at Jude。 〃You? I don't think so。 You've got blood on your hands; and you smell of coitus。〃
 These last words were tinged with such disgust Jude couldn't stem her retort。 〃You wouldn't be awake if I hadn't found you。〃
 〃Consider your freedom to go from this place my thanks;〃 Celestine replied。 〃You wouldn't wish to know my pany for very long。〃
 Jude didn't find that difficult to believe。 After all the months she'd waited for this meeting; there were no revelations to be had here: only Celestine's insanity and the ice of her rage。
 Dowd; meanwhile; was getting to his feet。 As he did so; one of the woman's ribbons unfurled itself from the shadows and reached towards him。 Despite his earlier protests; he made no attempt to avoid it。 A suspicious air of humility had e over him。 Not only did he put up no resistance; he actually proffered his hands to Celestine for binding; placing them pulse to pulse。 She didn't scorn his offer。 The ribbon of her flesh wrapped itself around his wrists; then tightened; tugging at him to haul him up the incline of brick。
 〃Be careful;〃 Jude warned her。 〃He's stronger than he looks。〃
 〃It's all stolen。〃 Celestine replied; 〃His tricks; his decorums; his power。 None of it belongs to him。 He's an actor。 Aren't you?〃
 As if in acquiescence; Dowd bowed his head。 But as he did so he dug his heels into the rubble and refused to be drawn any further。 Jude started to voice a second warning; but before it was out of her mouth; his fingers closed around the flesh and pulled hard。 Caught unawares; Celestine was dragged against the raw edge of the hole; and before the rest of her filaments could e to her aid Dowd had raised his wrists above his head and casually snapped the flesh that bound them。 Celestine let out a howl of pain and retreated into the sanctuary of her cell; trailing the severed ribbon。
 Dowd gave her no respite; however; but went in instant pursuit; yelling to her as he shambled up over the heaped rubble; 〃I'm not your slave! I'm not your dog! And you're no fucking Goddess! You're a whore!〃
 Then he was gone into the darkness of the cell; roaring。 Jude ventured a few steps closer to the hole; but the batants had retreated into its recesses; and she saw nothing of their struggle。 She heard it; however: the hiss of breaths expelled in pain; the sound of bodies pitched against the stone。 The walls shook; and books all along the passageway were thrown from their shelves; the tide of power snatching loose sheets and pamphlets up into the air like birds in a hurricane; leaving the heavier tomes to thrash on the ground; broken…backed。
 And then; suddenly; it was over。 The motion in the cell ceased utterly; and there were several seconds of motionless hush; broken by a moan and the sight of a hand reaching out of the murk to clutch at the broken wall。 A moment later Dowd stumbled into view; his other hand clamped to his face。 Though the shards he carried were powerful; the flesh they were seated in was weak; and Celestine had exploited that frailty with the efficiency of a warrior。 Half his face was missing; stripped to the bone; and his body was more unknitted than the corpse he'd left on the table above: his abdomen gaping; his limbs battered。
 He fell as he emerged。 Rather than attempting to get to his feet…which she doubted he was capable of doing…he crawled over the rubble like a blind man; his hands feeling out the wreckage ahead。 Sobs came from him now and then; and whimpers; but the effort of escape was quickly consuming what little strength he had; and before he reached clear ground his noises gave out。 So; a little time after; did he。 His arms folded beneath him; and he collapsed; face to the floor; surrounded by twitching books。
 Jude watched his body for a count of ten; then moved back towards the cell。 As she came within two yards of his body; she saw a motion and froze in her tracks。 There was life in him still; though it wasn't his。 The mites were exiting his open mouth; like fleas hastening from a cooling host。 They came from his nostrils; too; and from his ears。 Without his will t6 direct them they were probably harmless; but she wasn't going to test that notion。 She stepped as wide of them as she could; taking an indirect route up over the rubble to the threshold of Celestine's asylum。
 The shadows were much thickened by the dust that danced in the air; an aftermath of the forces that had been unleashed inside。 But Celestine was visible; lying crookedly against the far wall。 He'd done her harm; no doubt of that。 Her pale skin was seared and ruptured at thigh; flank; and shoulder。 Roxborough's purgative zeal still had some jurisdiction in his tower; Jude thought。 She'd seen three apostates laid low in the space of an hour one above and two below:
 Of them all; his prisoner Celestine seemed to have suffered least。 Wounded though she was; she still had the will to turn her fierce eyes in Jude's direction and say; 〃Have you e to crow?〃
 〃I tried to warn you;〃 Jude said。 〃I don't want us to be enemies; Celestine。 I want to help you。〃
 〃On whose mand?〃
 〃On my own。 Why'd you assume everybody's a slave or a whore or somebody's damn dog?〃
 〃Because that's the way the world is;〃 she said。
 〃It's changed; Celestine。〃
 〃What? Are the humans gone then?〃
 〃It's not human to be a slave。〃
 〃What would you know?〃 the woman said。 〃I don't sniff much humanity in you。 You're some kind of pretender; aren't you? Made by a Maestro。〃
 It would have pained Jude to hear such dismissal from any source; but from this woman; who'd been for so long a beacon of hope and healing; it was the bitterest condemnation。 She'd fought so hard to be more than a fake; forged in a manmade womb。 But with a few words Celestine had reduced her to a mirage。
 〃You're not even natural;〃 she said。
 〃Nor are you;〃 Jude snapped back。
 〃But I was once;〃 Celestine said。 〃And I cling to that。〃
 〃Cling all you like; it won't change the facts。 No natural woman could have survived in here for two centuries。〃
 〃I had my revenge to nourish me。〃
 〃On Roxborough?〃
 〃On them all; all except one。〃
 〃The Maestro。。。 Sartori。〃
 〃You knew him?〃
 〃Too little;〃 Celestine said。
 There was a weight of sorrow here Jude didn't prehend; but she had the means to ameliorate it on her tongue; and for all Celestine's cruelties Jude wasn't about to withhold the news。
 〃Sartori isn't dead;〃 she said。
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