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〃Well。 But I hope we won't get lost。 It would be so awful!〃 and the girl shuddered at the thought of the dreadful possibilities。
They started through a corridor; and traversed it in silence a long way; glancing at each new opening; to see if there was anything familiar about the look of it; but they were all strange。 Every time Tom made an examination; Becky would watch his face for an encouraging sign; and he would say cheerily:
〃Oh; it's all right。 This ain't the one; but we'll come to it right away!〃
But he felt less and less hopeful with each failure; and presently began to turn off into diverging avenues at sheer random; in desperate hope of finding the one that was wanted。 He still said it was 〃all right;〃 but there was such a leaden dread at his heart that the words had lost their ring and sounded just as if he had said; 〃All is lost!〃 Becky clung to his side in an anguish of fear; and tried hard to keep back the tears; but they would come。 At last she said:
〃Oh; Tom; never mind the bats; let's go back that way! We seem to get worse and worse off all the time。〃
〃Listen!〃 said he。
Profound silence; silence so deep that even their breathings were conspicuous in the hush。 Tom shouted。 The call went echoing down the empty aisles and died out in the distance in a faint sound that resembled a ripple of mocking laughter。
〃Oh; don't do it again; Tom; it is too horrid;〃 said Becky。
〃It is horrid; but I better; Becky; they might hear us; you know;〃 and he shouted again。
The 〃might〃 was even a chillier horror than the ghostly laughter; it so confessed a perishing hope。 The children stood still and listened; but there was no result。 Tom turned upon the back track at once; and hurried his steps。 It was but a little while before a certain indecision in his manner revealed another fearful fact to Becky  he could not find his way back!
〃Oh; Tom; you didn't make any marks!〃
〃Becky; I was such a fool! Such a fool! I never thought we might want to come back! No  I can't find the way。 It's all mixed up。〃
〃Tom; Tom; we're lost! we're lost! We never can get out of this awful place! Oh; why DID we ever leave the others!〃
She sank to the ground and burst into such a frenzy of crying that Tom was appalled with the idea that she might die; or lose her reason。 He sat down by her and put his arms around her; she buried her face in his bosom; she clung to him; she poured out her terrors; her unavailing regrets; and the far echoes turned them all to jeering laughter。 Tom begged her to pluck up hope again; and she said she could not。 He fell to blaming and abusing himself for getting her into this miserable situation; this had a better effect。 She said she would try to hope again; she would get up and follow wherever he might lead if only he would not talk like that any more。 For he was no more to blame than she; she said。
So they moved on again  aimlessly  simply at random  all they could do was to move; keep moving。 For a little while; hope made a show of reviving  not with any reason to back it; but only because it is its nature to revive when the spring has not been taken out of it by age and familiarity with failure。
By…and…by Tom took Becky's candle and blew it out。 This economy meant so much! Words were not needed。 Becky understood; and her hope died again。 She knew that Tom had a whole candle and three or four pieces in his pockets  yet he must economize。
By…and…by; fatigue began to assert its claims; the children tried to pay attention; for it was dreadful to think of sitting down when time was grown to be so precious; moving; in some direction; in any direction; was at least progress and might bear fruit; but to sit down was to invite death and shorten its pursuit。
At last Becky's frail limbs refused to carry her farther。 She sat down。 Tom rested with her; and they talked of home; and the friends there; and the comfortable beds and; above all; the light! Becky cried; and Tom tried to think of some way of comforting her; but all his encouragements were grown threadbare with use; and sounded like sarcasms。 Fatigue bore so heavily upon Becky that she drowsed off to sleep。 Tom was grateful。 He sat looking into her drawn face and saw it grow smooth and natural under the influence of pleasant dreams; and by…and…by a smile dawned and rested there。 The peaceful face reflected somewhat of peace and healing into his own spirit; and his thoughts wandered away to bygone times and dreamy memories。 While he was deep in his musings; Becky woke up with a breezy little laugh  but it was stricken dead upon her lips; and a groan followed it。
〃Oh; how could! I sleep! I wish I never; never had waked! No! No; I don't; Tom! Don't look so! I won't say it again。〃
〃I'm glad you've slept; Becky; you'll feel rested; now; and we'll find the way out。〃
〃We can try; Tom; but I've seen such a beautiful country in my dream。 I reckon we are going there。〃
〃Maybe not; maybe not。 Cheer up; Becky; and let's go on trying。〃
They rose up and wandered along; hand in hand and hopeless。 They tried to estimate how long they had been in the cave; but all they knew was that it seemed days and weeks; and yet it was plain that this could not be; for their candles were not gone yet。 A long time after this  they could not tell how long  Tom said they must go softly and listen for dripping water  they must find a spring。 They found one presently; and Tom said it was time to rest again。 Both were cruelly tired; yet Becky said she thought she could go a little farther。 She was surprised to hear Tom dissent。 She could not understand it。 They sat down; and Tom fastened his candle to the wall in front of them with some clay。 Thought was soon busy; nothing was said for some time。 Then Becky broke the silence:
〃Tom; I am so hungry!〃
Tom took something out of his pocket。
〃Do you remember this?〃 said he。
Becky almost smiled。
〃It's our wedding…cake; Tom。〃
〃Yes  I wish it was as big as a barrel; for it's all we've got。〃
〃I saved it from the picnic for us to dream on; Tom; the way grown…up people do with wedding…cake  but it'll be our 〃
She dropped the sentence where it was。 Tom divided the cake and Becky ate with good appetite; while Tom nibbled at his moiety。 There was abundance of cold water to finish the feast with。 By…and…by Becky suggested that they move on again。 Tom was silent a moment。 Then he said:
〃Becky; can you bear it if I tell you something?〃
Becky's face paled; but she thought she could。
〃Well; then; Becky; we must stay here; where there's water to drink。 That little piece is our last candle!〃
Becky gave loose to tears and wailings。 Tom did what he could to comfort her; but with little effect。 At length Becky said:
〃Well; Becky?〃
〃They'll miss us and hunt for us!〃
〃Yes; they will! Certainly they will!〃
〃Maybe they're hunting for us now; Tom。〃
〃Why; I reckon maybe they are。 I hope they are。〃
〃When would they miss us; Tom?〃
〃When they get back to the boat; I reckon。〃
〃Tom; it might be dark then  would they notice we hadn't come?〃
〃I don't know。 But anyway; your mother would miss you as soon as they got home。〃
A frightened look in Becky's face brought Tom to his senses and he saw that he had made a blunder。 Becky was not to have gone home that night! The children became silent and thoughtful。 In a moment a new burst of grief from Becky showed Tom that the thing in his mind had struck hers also  that the Sabbath morning might be half spent before Mrs。 Thatcher discovered that Becky was not at Mrs。 Harper's。
The children fastened their eyes upon their bit of candle and watched it melt slowly and pitilessly away; saw the half inch of wick stand alone at last; saw the feeble flame rise and fall; climb the thin column of smoke; linger at its top a moment; and then  the horror of utter darkness reigned!
How long afterward it was that Becky came to a slow consciousness that she was crying in Tom's arms; neither could tell。 All that they knew was; that after what seemed a mighty stretch of time; both awoke out of a dead stupor of sleep and resumed their miseries once more。 Tom said it might be Sunday; now  maybe Monday。 He tried to get Becky to talk; but her sorrows were too oppressive; all her hopes were gone。 Tom said that they must have been missed lo
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