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pale blue dot -carl sagan

小说类别:科幻未来 上传者:青词 作者:未知
小说大小:599K 更新时间:2020-03-14 完结状态:全本
小说热度:5 推荐量:0 收藏量:0


PALE BLUE DOT A VISION OF THE HUMAN FUTURE IN SPACE CARL SAGAN FOR SAMAnother wanderer,May your generation seeWonders undreamt.SPACECRAFT EXPLORATION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEMNOTABLE EARLY ACHIEVEMENTSUNITED STATES1958 First scientific discovery in space-Van Allen radiation belt (Explorer 1)1959 First television images of the Earth from space (Explorer 6)1962 First scientific discovery in interplanetary space -direct observation of the solar wind (Mariner 2)1962 First scientifically successful planetary mission (Mariner 2 to Venus)1962 First astronomical observatory in space (OSO-1)1968 First manned orbit of another world (Apollo 8 to the Moon)1969 First landing of humans on another world (Apollo 11 to the Moon)1969 First samples returned to Earth from another world (Apollo 11 to the Moon)1971 First manned roving vehicle on another world (Apollo 15 to the Moon)...
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