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rowdy of the cross l

小说类别:文学名著 上传者:美丽心点 作者:未知
小说大小:129K 更新时间:2023-08-16 完结状态:全本
小说热度:12 推荐量:0 收藏量:0


Rowdy of the Cross Lby B. M. Bower (B.M. Sinclair)CONTENTS1. Lost in a Blizzard2. Miss Conroy Refuses Shelter3. Rowdy Hires a New Boss4. Pink as "Chappyrone"5. At Home at Cross L6. A Shot From the Dark7. Rowdy in a Tough Place8. Pink in a Threatening Mood9. Moving the Herd10. Harry Conroy at Home11. Rowdy Promoted12. "You Can Tell Jessie"13. Rowdy Finds HappinessCHAPTER 1Lost in a Blizzard."Rowdy" Vaughanhe had been christened Rowland by his mother, andrechristened Rowdy by his cowboy friends, who are prone to treat with muchirreverence the names bestowed by motherswas not happy. He stood in thestirrups and shook off the thick layer of snow which clung, damp andclose-packed, to his coat. The dull yellow folds were full of it; his grayhat, pulled low over his purple ears, was heaped with it. He reached up agloved hand and scraped away as much as he could, wrapped the long-skirted,...
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