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the patagonia

小说类别:文学名著 上传者:赖赖 作者:未知
小说大小:127K 更新时间:2023-08-16 完结状态:全本
小说热度:15 推荐量:0 收藏量:0


The Patagoniaby Henry JamesCHAPTER IThe houses were dark in the August night and the perspective ofBeacon Street, with its double chain of lamps, was a foreshorteneddesert. The club on the hill alone, from its semi-cylindrical front,projected a glow upon the dusky vagueness of the Common, and as Ipassed it I heard in the hot stillness the click of a pair ofbilliard-balls. As "every one" was out of town perhaps the servants,in the extravagance of their leisure, were profaning the tables. Theheat was insufferable and I thought with joy of the morrow, of thedeck of the steamer, the freshening breeze, the sense of getting outto sea. I was even glad of what I had learned in the afternoon atthe office of the companythat at the eleventh hour an old ship witha lower standard of speed had been put on in place of the vessel in...
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