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the countess of saint geran

小说类别:文学名著 上传者:抵制日货 作者:未知
小说大小:103K 更新时间:2023-08-11 完结状态:全本
小说热度:4 推荐量:0 收藏量:0


The Countess of Saint GeranBy Alexander Dumas, pereAbout the end of the year 1639, a troop of horsemen arrived, towardsmidday, in a little village at the northern extremity of the provinceof Auvergne, from the direction of Paris. The country folk assembledat the noise, and found it to proceed from the provost of the mountedpolice and his men. The heat was excessive, the horses were bathedin sweat, the horsemen covered with dust, and the party seemed on itsreturn from an important expedition. A man left the escort, andasked an old woman who was spinning at her door if there was not aninn in the place. The woman and her children showed him a bushhanging over a door at the end of the only street in the village, andthe escort recommenced its march at a walk. There was noticed, amongthe mounted men, a young man of distinguished appearance and richly...
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