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04-the yellow dwarf

小说类别:文学名著 上传者:曾氏六合网 作者:未知
小说大小:43K 更新时间:2023-08-08 完结状态:全本
小说热度:4 推荐量:0 收藏量:0


THE YELLOW DWARFOnce upon a time there lived a queen who had been themother of a great many children, and of them all only onedaughter was left. But then SHE was worth at least a thousand.Her mother, who, since the death of the King, herfather, had nothing in the world she cared for so much asthis little Princess, was so terribly afraid of losing her thatshe quite spoiled her, and never tried to correct any of herfaults. The consequence was that this little person, whowas as pretty as possible, and was one day to wear a crown,grew up so proud and so much in love with her own beautythat she despised everyone else in the world.The Queen, her mother, by her caresses and flatteries,helped to make her believe that there was nothing toogood for her. She was dressed almost always in the prettiestfrocks, as a fairy, or as a queen going out to hunt, and...
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