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小说类别:其他 上传者:使劲儿 作者:未知
小说大小:1120K 更新时间:2021-08-09 完结状态:全本
小说热度:143 推荐量:1 收藏量:0


Chapter 1 A Sunny Day in Londontown 3Chapter 2 Cops and Royals 14Chapter 3 Flowers and Families 37Chapter 4 Players 53Chapter 5 Perqs and Plots 67Chapter 6 Trials and Troubles 80Chapter 7 Speedbird Home 101Chapter 8 Information 115Chapter 9 A Day for Celebration 130Chapter 10 Plans and Threats 146Chapter 11 Warnings 156Chapter 12 Homeing 172Chapter 13 Visitors 187Chapter 14 Second Chances 198Chapter 15 Shock and Trauma 221Chapter 16 Objectives and Patriots 233Chapter 17 Recriminations and Decisions 245Chapter 18 Lights 257Chapter 19 Tests and Passing Grades 268Chapter 20 Data 283Chapter 21 Plans 294Chapter 22 Procedures 308Chapter 23 Movement 321Chapter 24 Connections Missed and Made 336Chapter 25 Rendezvous 357Chapter 26 The Sound of Freedom 375When bad men bine, the good must associate;else...
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